Our internal management

Junta asesora

Comité de presidencia

Comités de área

Advisory board

It is responsible, among other roles, for evaluating and approving strategies, goals, staff, and budgets, as well as to monitor management. It is composed of: The Minister of Trade, Industry, and Tourism; a representative of Bancoldex; two representatives appointed by the President of the Republic; two private sector representatives and the president of Fiducoldex (Participant with voice, but without vote).

Executive committee

The executive committee is responsible for the following: executing the organization’s strategy, managing resources, reviewing and developing the mission, vision, corporate values, policies, and strategic objectives, and monitoring and reviewing the quality management system, all in accordance with governmental guidelines. It is made up of: The President of the organization and directors of the organization.

Area committee

These committees are made up of the area leader along with his/her team in order to communicate strategies, follow through on action plans, and review commitments, among others.

Our transparency mechanism

We have a variety of interrelated mechanisms which allow us to uphold ethical standards and practice good governance. This strengthens the commitment to build strong and long-term trusting relationships with our stakeholders.

This mechanisms are: