Our environmental work

We have different initiatives focused on using natural resources efficiently, promoting good disposal practices and mitigating the impact of our activities.

1.8 Tons.

Of recycled material in 2018


Of paper use reduction in 2017

39.2 Tons.

Of Co2 mitigated through tree planting

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3rd sustainability report


1st sustainability report

Code of ethics

Establishes the rules, guidelines, conduct, and expectations of the organization’s ethical behavior.

Compliance and accountability

We prepare reports to present our work to the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism, to other government and regulatory authorities.

Procurement manual

Determines the basic guidelines for managing procurement and vendors. It also sets forth the process for expenditure approval and hiring methods according to the sum.

Management report

An important part of our commitment with Colombian people is the transparency. This document includes the management that have been done and the results obtained in our mission areas.

Good governance code

Document that describes the principles and policies that preside over the behavior and actions of all who are part of the organization.

Colombia is committed with the production of organic foods

ProColombia organizes a meeting in the capital of Risaralda with 12 buyers from seven countries interested in coffee, panela, fresh fruits, vegetables and organic processed fruits.
